美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) refers to medical and public health social workers as health care social workers and makes distinctions for gerontological social workers and palliative care social workers. 除非另有说明,所有就业和工资数据均来自美国劳工统计局.
Social workers in the medical field assist patients who have experienced an injury or are facing a serious illness. They help patients understand their diagnosis and how it may impact their lives. Medical social workers can connect patients with resources and programs that can assist them in adjusting to their new lifestyle. They may aid in making housing arrangements or selecting healthcare providers. Some public health social workers help doctors and other health care professionals understand the emotional and mental impact disease, 疾病和伤害会对病人产生影响.
Some medical and public health social workers specialize in gerontology or palliative care. Gerontological social workers aid the elderly and their families to find services that provide benefits to seniors, as well as make arrangements in the event that their loved one can no longer care for him- or herself. Palliative care social workers work with patients who have been diagnosed with chronic and terminal illnesses. 他们帮助病人和他们的家人在情感上接受这种情况. Palliative care social workers focus on easing pain and suffering and connect clients and their families with support groups and grief counselors.
医疗和公共卫生社会工作者可以在医院工作, 诊所, 养老院, 军队医院或私人诊所. They often spend a substantial amount of time away from the office while visiting with patients or coordinating with service organizations. Many social workers keep weekend and evening hours to help accommodate their clients’ schedules.
这项工作可能会让人情绪紧张, as medical social workers interact daily with those whose lives are irrevocably changed or may be coming to an end.
Most entry-level social work positions require that candidates have earned a 社会工作学士学位. 临床社会工作者通常必须拥有社会工作硕士学位. All states require some form of licensure or certification for clinical social workers, 尽管具体情况因州而异.
超越学历, those interested in social work should also be compassionate individuals with strong listening, 解决问题和时间管理技能. 社会工作者为他们的客户解决问题, so they must possess the skillset to assess client strengths and weaknesses and have the ability to construct practical action plans.
就业 of health care social workers is expected to grow much faster than average. 预计增长率为34%, 保健社会工作是社会工作中发展最快的部门. 截至2010年5月,医务社会工作者的工资中位数为47,230元. Public health social workers in hospital and home health settings typically earn more than those who work in other sectors of social work.