
Alvey, Jamie, Instructor of English; B.A., Brescia University; M.A., Mercy College. 

Ballard, Brett C., 学部主席,音乐助理教授,B.M.E., Morehead State University; M.A., Saint Joseph’s College. 出版作曲家,世界图书馆出版社.

Bosse, Walter, Assistant Professor of English; B.A., Xavier University; M.A., University of South Carolina; Ph.D.辛辛那提大学.

Branson, Beau, Associate Professor of Philosophy; B.S., Middle Tennessee State University; B.A., University of Oklahoma; M.A. and Ph.D.他是圣母大学的教授.

Dockery, Darryl,音乐高级讲师,理学学士.M.E., Western Kentucky University; M.A.E., Western Kentucky University; Ph.D., Southern Baptist Seminary Cooperative; Guest Conductor for All-District and All-State Choirs across the country; Conductor of the National Youth Choir Performance at Carnegie Hall in New York City.

Stratton, David, Professor of Art, B.F.A., University of Tennessee-Knoxville; M.S., M.F.A.伊利诺伊州立大学.